About Us

Explore Studio EVO: Your 360 Creative Agency Partner!

We empower businesses and projects with comprehensive communication solutions.

Our branding, copywriting, graphic design, digital marketing, web design, and photography services assist businesses seeking to position themselves among their customers and target audiences, through the adoption and execution of comprehensive communication solutions.

The Creative Agency Story

Studio Evo, formerly known as Evoluciona, was established in 2005 by two siblings with the vision of starting their own advertising agency. María Clara, a graphic designer, and Juan Manuel, an advertising professional, both graduates of the Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, pooled their expertise.

The company initially operated as Evoluciona Publicidad in Medellín, where María Clara resided, and Bogotá, where Juan Manuel lived. They offered consultancy services, corporate image design, POP materials, prints, advertising campaigns, packaging design, and labels.

In 2009, when María Clara relocated to Bogotá, Evo’s client base tripled. Consequently, they hired a graphic designer on a permanent basis. On February 14, 2014, the agency was formally registered as EVOLUCIONA Publicidad S.A.S due to increased revenue.

Since its inception, Studio Evo has served organizations of all sizes and sectors including BID, Confama, Universidad de Antioquia, Redeban Multicolor, Acueducto de Bogotá, Corficolombiana, Jardín Botánico de Bogotá, Alcaldía de Teusaquillo, IIDH, Save the Children, Coltrans, Terrum, Russell Bedford, Fedearroz, Alcaldía de El Retiro Antioquia, Muebles El Atajo, PCsmart, Metroflor, Conatempo, Directv, Corona, Kimberly-Clark Colombia, RENATA, RUMBO, RedCLARA, COMFE, Carlota Chocolat, Vision Tours, and 4 Solutions, among others.

In 2019, Studio Evo revamped its business model to strengthen agency management strategically.

However, the unexpected Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 heavily impacted Evoluciona’s major clients, posing a significant risk.

This crisis inspired the agency to enhance its business and process strategies. In 2021, Evoluciona expanded its branding, copywriting, digital marketing, and web development services to other countries.

As a result, Studio Evo LLC. was founded in March 2021 in Newton, near Boston, under the leadership of Andrés Jaramillo, a photographer from our team. Additionally, our creative agency commenced operations in Spain, where business administrator María Lucía Reyes Trujillo, also known as Marilú“, serves as our legal representative and manager.

Today, Studio EVO is a strategic partner for companies aiming to establish market presence through comprehensive communication solutions.

They are supported by a multidisciplinary team of designers, advertisers, communicators, photographers, and engineers.

Studio EVO is a dream realized daily, inspired by a passion for quality work, commitment to building a better world, and love.

Their challenge is to triple sales each year to continue growing and help employees and clients achieve their dreams.

In 2024, Studio Evo will expand its operations to Bolivia, Paraguay, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Unleash the Power of Strategic Creativity

At Studio EVO, creativity isn’t just a fancy accessory; it’s the driving force that propels your brand to unprecedented heights. Creativity drives brand success, making it vital for differentiation and consumer engagement.

The Collective Vision of Our Creative Agency

As a premier full-service creative agency, Studio EVO embodies a collective of strategists, designers, and developers passionately united by an unwavering dedication to innovation. Innovation fuels growth, essential for staying ahead in competitive markets.

Revolutionizing the Creative Landscape

We’re not just here to create; we’re here to revolutionize. Revolutionizing ensures relevance and adaptability in dynamic industries.

Crafting Tailored Solutions

Our Creative Agency is home to a diverse team of experts, each bringing their unique skill set to the table with one common goal: your triumph. Tailored solutions align offerings with consumer desires, fostering loyalty.

A Comprehensive Approach

Whether you’re a burgeoning startup or a seasoned industry titan, we harness our wealth of experience to engineer tailored solutions that resonate deeply with your intended audience. Understanding client needs ensures effective solutions and market resonance.

Fostering Lasting Connections

Collaboration lies at the heart of Studio EVO’s ethos. We firmly believe in the power of open dialogue, fostering transparent communication channels that keep you fully engaged throughout the entire creative process. Transparent collaboration builds trust, essential for long-term partnerships.

Embracing Innovation

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, stagnation is not an option. Innovation sustains relevance, vital for staying competitive in evolving markets.

Guiding Light in the Digital Realm

Let us be your guiding light in navigating the complexities of the digital realm, crafting bespoke experiences that captivate, inspire, and ultimately drive meaningful engagement with your audience.

Navigating digital complexities ensures impactful and resonant brand experiences.

Empower your brand with a passionate creative agency

From concept to execution, Studio EVO is your trusted ally on the journey to brand eminence. Strategic partnership unlocks brand potential, driving growth and success.

Unlocking Potential, Defying Expectations

Together, we’ll defy expectations, exceed boundaries, and write the next chapter of your success story. Defying expectations yields standout results, crucial for brand distinction.

Understanding the 360 Communication Creative Agency

A 360 communication agency like Studio EVO offers comprehensive services across all communication channels, ensuring a cohesive and impactful brand presence.

Working with a 360 communication agency ensures:

Consistency: Your brand message remains coherent across all platforms, strengthening brand identity.

Efficiency: Streamlined communication efforts save time and resources, maximizing ROI.

Expertise: Access to a diverse team of specialists ensures top-notch solutions for every aspect of your communication strategy.

Our Team

Our full-service creative agency is a passionate collective dedicated to strategy, design, beauty, and results.